Some of those who are doing something...

A couple days ago, I posted about a rough moment in my church's moms group.  I shared about my weird interaction with another parent at the "triplets" school.  Charlie (4) & the twins - Henry & Bella (almost 4) apparently looked like my daycare kids and she was criticizing me...apparently walking around with three preschoolers - two Hispanic kids and a black boy as a white mom - is weird...

Anyhow, I just asked for prayer as we feel under attack from spiritual warfare as we work on a church video sharing our journey into parenting.  We had felt a need to "call for back-up" and ask for prayer. In my request I was shocked at the response.  Not in quantity, but in quality.  Three women reached out to me in unique ways.

The first friend wrote on my Facebook wall - an encouraging post.  She reminded me of who I am which is not defined by others' words. I was filled with encouragement and turned to prayer & God's Word and tried to focus on who He says that I am.

Another friend messaged me to ask when (not if) she could watch the triplets this week so I could go get a haircut or mani-pedi...I'm still deciding what I'll do tomorrow...

The third friend offered to pray & asked if she could share her requests with the prayer team at church.  I was glad to have her share our requests.  She asked for more info on the kids and we set up a time for her to come over yesterday to pray with me.  We walked around the house and prayed over each of my kids' beds. We prayed for peace, bonding & they would receive love.  We weren't able to pray over the whole house, so my friend stayed and prayed over the rest of the house while I picked up the "triplets" from their school midday.

She not only took the time to be with me, she also brought dinner for us and spent a moment meeting the triplets before they were off to nap time - it was more than I could have asked.  She ushered me into the presence of God, asked then heard what we are encountering and even provided a physical need for us.  (What is even more incredible is her husband found me in tears in the parking lot at church and stopped to pray with me several months ago.) They are each part of Christ's light in my life.

This has encouraged me to continue to ask for help and prayer.  My mom told me when I was in high school - in the midst of a struggle - that being honest with people when we need help is only giving them an opportunity to obey God.  If you're good friends with me, you know this past year has been full of asking & giving people opportunities to obey God.  I'm sorry or you're welcome (depending on how you feel about it).

You have brought dinner over, watched some or all of the kids, done some of our laundry, cried with us, lived life with us, taken Ben or I out for a beer/sangria or simply read a post and prayed as a response. These are priceless blessings to us. We are simply grateful.

God promised me He would reveal Himself to me if we obeyed our call to accept the kids into our family last May.  (I can explain more another time if that is not something you are familiar with.)  I knew God was calling us to make this sacrifice, but I knew we would also need our church & community.  We can not do this (and remain sane) without the people who have stepped forward to wrap their arms around our family - with words, childcare, practical needs & prayer.

We need each person who is willing to help as we endure this long journey of adopting through foster care. Everyone can do something. Check out for more ideas about how to become part of the solution for foster families in Milwaukee.


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