To nap or not to nap.

Nap time is what every mother of littles looks forward to.  A break in the day to recharge, clean, prep dinner & on a good day: sneak in a nap.  Well, apparently my littles (Charlie (4) & the twins (3)) decided that nap time is no longer a thing. (Insert large gasp & sympathy for me here.) 

I love my children.  They are so fun.  I love playing games with them, reading books, tickle fights and doing life with them.  But every mom knows that a preschooler who doesn't nap can be especially cruel, crabby & often just awful to be around.  Multiply this by three and it can be overwhelming.  Between the bajillion time outs, constant reminders and some tears (by all), the struggle is real. 

But at 6:30pm, when bedtime was relatively easy and there is no one screaming because they aren't tired - the afternoon of insanity is all worth it.  I sit here, finished with dinner - alone!  And now, I'm seriously considering heading to bed because the house is so quiet and my brain is done for the day.  Hopefully Ben will wake me if I fall asleep when he gets home from OT with the biggest. 

Instead I will most likely get up and do a few loads of laundry, clean up the kitchen and pick up some of the disaster left behind from the chaos that is our life.  But before I do, I'll take a minute to enjoy the silence - grab some dark chocolate & relax so I'm rested when tomorrow afternoon they decide they are once again too good for naps. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your stories! God bless your family!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement! <3


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