What a difference a year makes...
This past weekend, we had the honor of being a part of my sister(in-law)'s wedding. She married an incredible man who loves her selflessly and they are an awesome pair. They asked our two oldest kids to be a part of the wedding as the flower girl & ring bearer. This is a huge deal to me because while they had known the original two since they were little, they had just met our oldest. It was beautiful to me that they welcomed him into the family with such a huge privilege.
Jacob was on his best behavior all weekend. He didn't have to do many regulation activities (except to fall asleep because he was so excited). There were no meltdowns all weekend. I'll say it again in case you missed it. WE HAD NO MELTDOWNS ALL WEEKEND. My husband and I both didn't realize this was possible. We typically experience 2-3 meltdowns with him or one of the kids each day. It could be over anything - and to be honest - they had a lot they could've been mad over.
They were sick (stomach flu is no fun), they had to wear dress clothes & they didn't get to order their food. They were in the car for 12 hours of the 3 days of our trip. They had moments of stress, anxiety and exhaustion, but overall they were great.
We got to swim, enjoy a long morning at the St Louis Zoo & attend all of the wedding activities. We didn't have to leave anything early. I didn't miss any of the ceremony. They danced - oh did they dance! It was awesome.
If you would've told me in October (when they asked the kids to be in the wedding) that it would have gone so well, I would not have believed you. It was so fun to see my kids rock it. They were on their best behavior and rose to the occasion. I had low expectations, so everything they did shocked me.
I was so happy to see them be able to enjoy the wedding. It was a great weekend and as I was going back to pick up the triplets from school this morning I realized I missed them - after three hours. I wanted to be with them again. After being with them non-stop all weekend, I couldn't wait for us to be together. This bring me pure joy. So grateful.
(photo cred: Jenni Keddie de Cojon)
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