Exposed & Encouraged

Last October I was at Elmbrook Church's Harvest Fest listening to an incredible speaker (I don't remember her name, but I rememeber her message).  She was reminding us that God has called us each to something bigger than ourselves.  He wants us to join Him in the work He is doing. She reminded me that if God can use the men in the Bible that were so broken and human, He can certainly use me. My heart was moved & God placed it on my heart to write a book.

Wait, WHAT?! Really, God?  I have never wanted to write a book. (I actually silently judged people who thought they knew enough to write a book! Oh man - does God have a sense of humor.)  I have a love/hate relationship with the way I can hear the voice of God. I hear God clearly - that's the great part.  The hard part is I hear him clearly. (See what I did there?) There is no way for me to ignore him when I clearly recognize His voice.

Its easy for me to hear typically because there is NO WAY I would EVER (in a million years) consider doing what He comes up with.  Some of the things He has spoken clearly into our lives has included (but is obviously not limited to) - me going to Trinity International University (where I met Ben), putting our kids in their specific school, moving to the heart of the city, bringing each of our kids - especially the last 3 - into our home, & now - writing a book.

There are plenty of "easy" things I have felt called by God to do - share food with the homeless, inviting someone to an event, or sharing a specific truth with someone.  But these bigger things - things that cost me a lot & require significant sacrifice are harder for me to swallow.  It often takes me a lot longer to come around on those...

But, after writing this blog over the last month and sharing our story at our church this past weekend, we have been overwhelmed with encouragment. The amount of people that have been reading each post reaffirms what I feel God calling me to do. Thanks for the thoughts, kind words, sharing your story, sharing what God is revealing to you & blessing us in each of your unique, creative ways.  Grateful for each of you taking a moment to let us see how God is moving through our obedience.  


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