His happiest memory.

His teacher and I were both in tears as she showed me Jacob's writing sample at his conference earlier tonight. She had asked the class to each write a story of their favorite or happiest memory. This is what my eight year old son wrote: (Shared with Jacob's permission.)

I was happy when I got a (new) safe home. I felt (really) safe. I felt (really) happy that me and my (brothers) and sisters ate a whole box of (cereal). We (watched Despicable Me). We went (outside) and played with our toys we went back inside the house and played. I played with my Legos my brother was playing with cars. My sister was playing with babies and my other brother was playing (tackle?). My other sister was at school my mom was cooking my dad was at (work) and that is the end! 

I knew immediately when it said "one sister was at school" that it was the first day we were together. He confirmed it when I got home. Not our trip to Bay Beach Amusement Park. Not our trip to chuck e cheese. Not our vacations. Our first morning together is my son's favorite memory. He remembered what everyone was doing.  He knew every detail. And what a joy that I get to be a part of his favorite memory! Pure. Joy.

My favorite detail is he called our home safe. He is constantly reminding me (during his rages) that he forgets we are safe due to his trauma and history. This is what I needed to hear as I often get my mind stuck in the lies he often believes. When he goes into a dark place and screams horrible things at me, I have this to read & remember. This literally could not have come at a better time as I am surprising him in the morning with a mini trip tomorrow night - just me, him & Henry for a couple days. I just love this.

It is so priceless to me as I consider all the things we did that day. We took him shopping and he got TONS of new things - new bedding, a stuffed animal, new clothes, new shoes, (etc.) but, he didn't mention a single thing we gave him. He just remembered how he felt. SAFE.

(I also love that he didn't clarify which sister or brother was his first siblings and which where his newer ones - he used to do that all the time & I hadn't really thought about the fact that he stopped doing that. Another beautiful thing about his favorite memory!)

So grateful for this moment God gave me today. Thought it was too precious not to share.


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